Bristol Warren Thrive par Five and Beyond
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Collaborer pour soutenir toutes les familles aide leurs enfants à s'épanouir et à vivre leur meilleure vie.
Please join us for the
2024 Bristol and Warren Data in Your Backyard

The Rhode Island KIDS COUNT Data in Your Backyard series presents community-level child well-being data from the Rhode Island Kids Count Factbook in communities across the state. These presentations are followed by a community discussion.
Local leaders, educators, service providers, and other interested community members are encouraged to attend.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
(check-in & refreshments begins at 9:00 a.m.)
Hope and Main
691 Main St
Warren, RI 02885
Parking is located behind the building with additional parking across the street at the public Park & Ride. The handicapped entrance is in the back of the building.
Refreshments will be available.
Please contact Jennifer Capaldo jcapaldo@rikidscount.org with any questions.
Sponsored by:
Rhode Island KIDS COUNT
Bristol Warren Thrive by Five and Beyond
East Bay Community Action Program
Bristol Health Equity Zone
Warren Health Equity Zone