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Bristol Warren Thrive par Five and Beyond
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Collaborer pour soutenir toutes les familles aide leurs enfants à s'épanouir et à vivre leur meilleure vie.
Physical & Mental Health
Note: all resources listed in bold followed by *** indicate our member agencies
Bristol Warren Regional School District Child Outreach Screening:
BWRSD offers free Child Outreach screenings for children in Bristol and Warren. Child Outreach screens children in the areas of Vision, Hearing, Speech and Language skills, Social Emotional Development and General Development, such as gross and fine motor skills, memory, etc. It is the goal of BWRSD to screen 100% of 3-5 year olds annually. Screenings are done at community preschools, daycares, Head Start and by parent referral.
East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP)- East Bay Family Healthcare:
East Bay Family Health Care is a patient-centered medical home that has a team of caring providers and staff that work closely together to help our patients live happy, healthy lives. Services offered at this center are adult care, infant, child, and adolescent care, behavioral health services and optometry. Other services that are offered include: teen time walk-in daily, assistance with applying for health insurance, home visits by members of the care team, pregnancy testing, immunizations for infants, children and adults, care for acute illness, health screenings and general community education referrals.
East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP)- Woman, Infants, & Children (WIC):
East Bay Community Action Program’s WIC serves babies or children up to age five, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and new mothers. They provide nutrition assistance, breastfeeding advice and support, access to community resources, and vouchers to healthy foods to promote sustainable nutrition during pregnancy, infancy, and early childhood.
East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP)- East Bay Recovery Center:
The Recovery Center strives to empower, encourage, and support individuals as they work to improve their lives and face the challenges of recovery. East Bay Recovery Center is not a treatment agency or a 12-step group (although aspects of those may be present), but it is a safe and supportive place that emphasizes self-direction where an individual can embrace and experience what the peer-recovery movement has to offer. The Recovery Center serves any individual who is contemplating recovery or is actively in recovery.
Rhode Island Department of Health-Bristol Community Health Services***:
RIDOH funds a list of services for community health in Bristol RI. These services include assistance with the following: addiction and overdose, Alzheimer's disease and related disorders, arthritis, asthma, diabetes, chronic conditions, family visiting, immunization, injury, oral health, tobacco, WIC, and woman's cancer.
Rhode Island Parent Information Network (RIPIN)***:
RIPIN are peer professionals on a mission to help Rhode Islanders of all abilities, ages, and backgrounds get the support they need to thrive. Their designations include: Cedar Family Center, Early Intervention, Family Voices & Family-to-Family Health Information Center, Medical Home Portal, Parent Training and Information Center, RIPIN Healthcare Advocate, and RIREACH.
Visiting Nurse Services (VNS) of Newport and Bristol Counties***:
First Connections at Visiting Nurse Home & Hospice provides free, voluntary, confidential home visits in Barrington, Bristol, East Providence, Jamestown, Little Compton, Middletown, Newport, Portsmouth, Tiverton and Warren to pregnant women and families with young children, birth to age three. First Connections is funded by the Rhode Island Department of Health and Department of Human Services.
Warren Health Equity Zone (WHEZ)***:
HEZ is a collaborative created to reduce and eliminate health disparities and barriers to wellness. The Rhode Island Department of Health provides seed funding for the Warren HEZ which is supported by East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP) as its backbone agency. HEZ provides a wide array of health and human services to children, youth, families, adults, and elders. Through its health, education, and social support services, EBCAP helps those in need in communities throughout the East Bay.
Women's Resource Center***:
The Woman's Resource Center is leading domestic violence prevention through the empowerment of individuals and the community by providing advocacy, education and support services. The WRC provides a number of programs and services to clients and their family members who are or have been a victim of domestic violence.
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