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Bristol Warren prospera por Five and Beyond
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Colaborar para apoyar a todas las familias a ayudar a sus hijos a prosperar y vivir sus mejores vidas.
Apoyo para padres y educación
Parenting Support
Note: all resources listed in bold and followed by *** indicate our member agencies
Looking Upwards Home Based Therapeutic Services:
Looking Upwards Home-Based Therapeutic Services is a program for children and youth 0-21 years of age with autism or developmental disabilities, behavioral or mental health needs who are found eligible. The clinical team meets families to develop an individualized approach to supporting their child’s success. Trained staff members will work one-on-one with families during the challenging parts of their child’s daily routine. With their support, parents learn to teach their child new behaviors and skills.
Looking Upwards Parents as Teachers:***
Looking Upwards Parents as Teachers is a free program that any family can easily access. Services can start anytime from prenatal and last up until entry into kindergarten and are provided by trained, certified early childhood professionals and include playgroups, visits in your home &/or community, connections to community resources, screenings to help you understand your child’s development. We support families as their child’s first teacher. We currently serve Warren, Bristol, Portsmouth, Tiverton, Little Compton, Middletown and Newport communities.
Looking Upwards Incredible Years Parenting Program (IY)***:
Looking Upwards Incredible Years Parenting program is a free parenting program designed to teach and equip parents/caregivers with positive strategies they can use to decrease stress, strengthen the home/school connection, and improve interactions with their children. They learn practical, proven techniques that work to diminish challenging behaviors, such as meltdowns, fighting and noncompliance, while promoting the child’s social and emotional health. By becoming more effective as a parent, self-confidence increases and tension in the home subsides.
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