Bristol Warren Thrive by Five and Beyond
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Collaborating to support all families help their children to thrive and live their best lives.
The Bristol Warren Thrive by Five and Beyond group was co-founded by Emily Pearce-Spence, Director of Looking Upwards, Parents as Teachers, and Donna Ramos Razza, Director of Family Development, East Bay Community Action Program, in April 2013.
It is the mission of BWTB5B to help all children thrive and live their best lives by maintaining a coordinated network of collaborating partners to support families with the following goals:
1. Facilitate families’ equitable access to health, educational and social services.
2. Promote inclusive professional development to members to increase understanding of available services.
3. Disseminate diverse, equitable and inclusive information for providers who serve families.
4. Embed and advocate for principles of diversity, equity and inclusion in all events and programs.
The group meets from 9:00am-10:30am on the first Wednesday of every month via Zoom. New community members or partnering agencies are welcome to join. To join or request information on our services, please contact bristolwarrenthriveby5@gmail.com.